Friday, March 28, 2008

Too much fun?

As you can see I have added lots of extra pictures from Easter. We had a blast!! It was a fun filled weekend, yet crazy at the same time!

Our house is really quiet lately. I have the next few days off, so I am looking forward to being able to relax just a bit. I did get a phone call this morning to see if I would come in to work. I already had an appointment at 12:30pm that I had canceled twice already - so needless to say, I did not go in! WHEW!


Sarah said...

What a great weekend you had with family! Your Smileboxes turned out great.

Amy A. said...

YOU HAVE BEEN TAGGED BY ME!! Go to my blog and see the questions you have to answer.

Have fun!!

Sherri said...

I tagged you too! Ha ha!

Sherri said...

Oh your easter looks like it was lots of fun.