Tuesday, October 28, 2008

19.5 weeks....& love at first sight!!!

I cannot believe it, but I am almost 20 weeks prego with twins!! Reality really has not totally hit me. Things are becoming more real each night as a try to fall asleep and feel as if there is a marching band marching through my abdomen. Don't mind the bags under my eyes....Hence - the marching band thing.

We had our size and dates ultrasound today. You know, the "official" one. It was great!! A gal that helped with a lot of my training did the ultrasound and she was fabulous....of course!! Thanks "C"!!! :0)

So - it looks like we will have two Jared Jr.'s running around our house. I am honestly too excited for words, but yet at the same time....I am frightened enough to pee my pants if I think about it too much.

One thing I find amazing is that you can fall in love with something before actually being able to "see" it. I feel so lucky to be entrusted with two, but I honestly am scared to death too.

Any help with names would be great!!


Sarah said...

Heather- two boys! You will have so much fun! As for names, we only had two boy names picked out. We are traditional though and wanted names with meaning for our boys.

I am very excited for your family! I know what you mean about love at first sight...

Marianne said...

How exciting. Two boys! That will be so much fun and it sounds like Madisen is excited about it too. Need some boy names....I hope I have the same problem as you. I find out what I am having in a couple more weeks.

Mama! said...

Oh how fun! I am so excited for you and totally understand the love at first sight thing. It seems like only yesterday when you did my ultrasound and I got to see my little man for the first time!
We had a ton of names picked out for Peyton, some of them were kind of wierd but I still like some of them: Tyson, Weston, Bently, Jayden, etc. Some names my friends have used: Parker, Porter, Cannon, Cameron, Gavin, Trace, Cade, Sean, Ethan, Owen, blah, blah, blah.

Tami said...

I am just elated for you guys! You, of all people, have the temperament to handle those twin boys. I love you to death HEather! I so wish I got to work with you more often.

Susan G. said...
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Amy A. said...

congrats on those two boys!! I am soo excited for you all. I know that these kids are so special to be coming to your house. You both are great parents.

Thanks for all you do for me and my family. We love you.