Friday, November 7, 2008

Prego - emotional breakdown # 568

Yes - being pregnant for me is really not my favorite time in my life. Please don't get me wrong - I love the fact that right this second I know that in about three or more months I am going to be the mom of two more kids. It's just the emotional baggage that I have while I am on this journey.

Anyone that really knows me, knows that I cannot stand it when my emotional side comes out. It is totally embarrassing. When I am pregnant, I can cry at the drop of a hat at things that would affect me before, but not make me cry. Well - being pregnant turns on the emotions like never before. Just ask Jared - he has lots of stories to tell, especially with this pregnancy. I honestly have wondered how he has survived!!

Anyway - I was going through all of my girl baby stuff. I had saved everything from 0 to 18 months that had been Madisen's. I took a sweet trip down memory lane as I sorted through everything and divided it up. There were a lot of great memories, but also a lot of tears shed. That first two years of Madisen's life went all too quickly! I just cannot believe that my little girl is growing up so fast. I loved so many of the outfits that she used to wear.

I do feel some relief in knowing that 5 garbage bags, yes that is 5 garbage bags, will be given to others that I hope can use some of the items. I think I used to really go overboard when it came to cute clothes for Madisen. What am I saying - Used to? I still honestly do.

So - as I sorted through what I have bought and been given for these boys - I am grateful and hope to not go too overboard. Yeah right!! :0)


Sarah said...

FIVE? I thought I was pretty bad with my two large trash bags that I filled. One for DI and one for my two SIL's that are having boys for the first time. I kept all the denim stuff, but most of it I gave away.

There is cute boy stuff. I shop a lot at The Children's Place Outlet here. I also find quite a bit at Target on clearance. Check Mervyn's since they are closing down everything is 50% off right now. The one thing about boys though is they don't care how they look. It will get dirty, and you will wonder if they were born to love dirt...(and my boys are not that bad.)

Amy A. said...

Heather, we love you and thanks again for the clothes...

oh... and do not worry about the crying thing... we all do it.

Tami said...

Oh, yes...emotions. I don't have to be prego to stir up some tears. Anyways...they do grow up so fast. Those 2 boys will keep you occupied for a while though. As someone commented...boys don't care what you have them wear (well, they can get attached to a Mater shirt or something) but they are pretty darn simple. Dirt is definitely just another normal addition to their wardrobe.

Charayne said...

Uh....don't feel too bad, I am the same way. I so wish that guys could experience the whole pregnancy thing, maybe if they balled their eyes out or had no clothes to wear they might get it a little better. Don't worry I think that you are totally darling!

Dorey said...

That IS an interesting part of pregnancy, I remember crying while watching that Walgreens commercial. lol =) I can't wait for you and your little boys. =)

The Howick Family said...

Don't sweart the emotional roller coaster... it happens to us all as I believe you saw from me many a time. Do cherish every minute because even though pregnancy isn't fun.. it is over all too quick and those sweet babies will grow way toooo fast! I cannot believe mine is already almost 21/2 months old. I seems like just yesterday I was crying to you. Cherish it all!

The Andersen's said...

Heather, I have made my blog private. please e-mail me your email address at

i {heart} hawkes said...

hey heather - i found your blog from a link on tanah's. i hope you don't mind. we are also linked to her's under Doug & Angie. two boys! wow! i am very excited for you. keep us posted for sure,