Sunday, April 19, 2009

Update on the fam....

I can hardly believe that my boys are already six weeks old. Today was such beautiful weather that we took a walk as a family. We also took the boys to our ward for the first time today. Holy smoke!! Jared and I kept looking at each other like - "was this really worth even coming to church for"....see - it was a little bit of chaos.

I realized today that my little guys really both have a great set of lungs on them. Jared spent most of the first meeting out in the foyer with Rylen. I was up and down like a yo-yo with Caysen. I also explored the mother's lounge to change not one - but yes two yucky stinky diapers on Caysen within an hour!!! Craziness!!! Our church is at 11am - right smack at the start of the boys' long nap. Oh Joy!!! Madisen also was throwing a fit because she did not want to sit by herself - I really don't blame her.

Anyway - we made it through. The walk was nice just before bedtime. Jared told Madisen that I have been looking forward to taking walks and using the double jogging stroller I found. It was wonderful to get out and everyone seemed to enjoy it.

Right now our camera is broken, really broken so we are trying to find a new one that will not cost us too many clams. Anyone have any suggestions?

We also weighed each of the kids tonight too. Madisen weighs 73.2 pounds. She is really getting tall so I told her that she was just "perfect" weight for her height. Rylen weighed in at 9 pounds and Caysen weighed in at 11 pounds. This week I put all of the boys' "newborn" clothes away. They were just too tight and I probably need to pull out the 3-6 months clothes and get them ready because at this rate, the 0-3 month stuff will not last long. It is amazing to me how fast they are growing and changing.


Dorey said...

They get big so quick! Can't wait to meet your little guys! Hopefully Saturday? =) TTYL

Family Days said...

I can't believe they are 6 weeks!! I want to meet them too!!

Stacie said...

Oh my gosh Has it really already been 6 weeks. well that definitely explains my Heather withdrawels I have been feeling lately. Well You sound great and I can't wait to meet the little ones.