Sunday, October 18, 2009

Family time....

Last weekend we went to Gardner Village because "the witches were out!" It was a lot of fun and did not cost us a thing! If you have not checked this out yet - you really should go! We went on a Saturday, which I would not recommend because there were so many people, but other than that we had a lot of fun.

So some updates on the kiddos.....
Rylen FINALLY cut his first tooth. My goodness it has taken forever for that stink'n thing to break through. It is the bottom one on the left. It looks like the bottom one on the right is not far behind. No wonder we have been changing shirts 3-4 times a day!!

Caysen is getting up on all fours now. He rocks back and forth. We are betting that by Halloween he will be crawling. Heaven help the Andersen house. He REALLY wants to be able to get to Scoobie. I really feel sorry for the dog.

Madisen is getting ready to go off-track. She has this next week in school and then she is off for 3 weeks. Short break for Thanksgiving. Back at school for another 3 weeks and then 2 weeks off for Christmas holidays, then back for like 4 weeks and then another 3 weeks off. She is really excited to be off track. We cannot wait to have our official "helper" back home full-time; even if for just a few weeks.

We have almost completed all of our Christmas shopping. We are just focusing on putting it altogether. We are usually completely done by now, but we have been a little busy. We are really excited for the upcoming holidays. I especially love them!!!


Susan G. said...

What?? You have 7 month old twins and you are done with your Christmas shopping?? You must be superwoman (I always suspected it..)

Stacie said...

Great pics. Garner village looks so fun. I love the little hats the boys are wearing. Your family is so cute. I can't believe how big there getting. and crawling? wow! You are definitely going to have your hands full. I think you need to move out here with your fam so I can be your full time nanny! what do you think??

Nate and Heidi said...

I couldn't help but notice those droopy cheeks on Caysen! Could he be any cuter?! I cannot believe how big they are. Are you ready for another one yet? :) ha ha