Monday, October 5, 2009

Seven Months Old....Holy Smoke...Already?

Yes it is true. My twins turned 7 months old today. I really cannot believe it. I know that I say that every month as we inch closer to the one year mark. My boys are closer to being one year old than being at the newborn mark. Crazy huh?

Both boys are obviously not starving. They are so big. They wear size 4 diapers and wear 12 month clothes. Some of their pajamas are 18-24 month size. Madisen never grew this quickly. The doctor tells me that they should mellow out on their growth once they become more mobile.

Speaking of mobile.....Caysen is "army crawling" everywhere. I know he is going to scare the h*ll out of me one day because I will turn around and he will be right there! Rylen sits up on his own and is just content to hang out. He really has no desire to be on his stomach. (maybe because it is always full!)

I need to explain this picture of Caysen. He is playing with his dad's shoelace. No big deal right?....actually it is a big deal for me!! When Jared was younger he used to play with his shoelaces all the time! He even went through a jaunt where he did it again as an adult. Well, Caysen somehow received the "I love shoelaces" gene and he loves them also!! Heaven help us all!

Madisen and Jared both got new glasses last week. Madisen really likes them. She is 9 years old and already has bifocals. Poor thing. She can see things far away just fine, but up close is another situation. I asked her how things are at school with her glasses and she said that she likes them a lot and they have helped her.

So I know that I have only been a twin mommy for 7 months now, but here are a few things I have learned.....

1. Do not listen to people's advice that have never had twins, taken care of twins, or had twins in their family. People LOVE to dish it out, but most of it is garbage and they really have no idea what they are talking about!

2. Embrace the advice given by other twin mommies. I have loved doing this!! They definitely know and understand what "works".

3. There is a very special bond between twins. I hope my twins will always share this bond, no matter what.

4. Just because your house is a mess.....this does not make you a bad mom. The moments spent with your kids are much more important.

5. Staying home is the HARDEST job ever!!!! I always have worked full-time, so this as been an adjustment for me! Being home for most of the time (I still work, just not as much) has been an adjustment. It is better to embrace the adjustment than fight against it.

6. Your babies will still love you, even if they have to cry while you take 30 seconds and go to the bathroom.

7. Spit happens!!! Every day in fact!!

8. There is no greater love than the love a mom can give her kids.

9. On occasion, a mom may find that one or both of her twins will be just as stubborn as she is. :0)

10. Every mom needs "mommy time"!! Don't let anyone tell you that a schedule is not important! They are idiots!!!


Laurie said...

You are awesome Heather! Love the pictures....and seriously what a cute family! I'm glad you've survived the past months! I've missed chatting with you. We'll have to schedule something soon.

Sarah said...

Wow Heather I can't believe they are already 7 months old. Time has flown (for me at least...)

I agree that staying at home is the toughest job. I am also trying to balance working at home with being a mom. Some days are easier than others!

Mama! said...

I didn't know you cut back at work- lucky girl! I totally understand how hard it can be though. I think if I were home any more than I was I would die! But I remember thinking that when I stayed home with Peyton and I ended up loving it a lot more than I thought I would!

I love your advice. The boys are darling! Madisen's glasses are adorable! I'm sure we'll be dealing with all that vision jazz with O-man.

Charayne said...

What a darling post. Being a mom is hard sometime but it pays dividends later right? Hope you're doing well. Happy Birhtday!