Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Ear Piercing for Madisen

Ok. So I know that my little princess is definitely growing up. She has been begging us for over a year to let her get her ears pierced. I told her that if she received a 100% on her spelling test that I would let her. She did it!! So on Saturday- May 3rd her dad took her to the mall to have her ears pierced. You may be asking why her own mother did not take her. I have to be honest. I just could not do it. I can remember being 10 and having my ears pierced and it hurt like crazy!! I could not watch someone hurt my girl like that. So - Madisen's dad was the brave one and took her. Great job dad! The earrings look great!!


Sarah said...

Kind of like taking them to get shots...It's official though that she is growing up!

Family Days said...

I don't blame you for not wanting to watch that! I hate seeing my kids go through any kind of pain, even if it is by choice. :) They look really cute on her though!

Tami said...

I remember getting my ears pierced...it did hurt like a bugger! But, every girl wants earrings...sparklies. Good job on the spelling test!