Monday, January 12, 2009

Feeling 15 years old again????......

What in the world can I mean by this? I feel like I am so clumsy like I was when I was 14-15 years old. My parents used to tease me that I could trip over a gust of air when I was that age.

So - at my last ultrasound just before Christmas (December 23rd),I was 27 weeks pregnant and the boys were doing great! Baby A weighed in at 2 lbs. 9 oz and Baby B weighed in at 2 lbs. 12 oz. No wonder my belly is bigger than my chest! (Direct quote from my wonderful husband!)

Later that night one of my teeth started to hurt. Needless to say I ended up needing an emergency root canal on the Friday after Christmas. I found an endodontist that had just got back into town and was willing to help me out. Does anyone want his name? I am happy to pass his contact info on. He was fabulous and the relief was sweet!!

On Monday I went to the doctor and he was very, very happy with how things are progressing. He said that I was measuring 41 weeks - so if I was only having one baby, I would be measuring a week overdue. Really??? Crazy for me since I only carried Madisen to 38 weeks. Anyway - the doctor said that "You know how to grow boys". Great! He was very happy with the babies growth and feels that I should be able to carry them to 36 weeks. I got to thinking about this - if the boys are almost 3 lbs at 27 weeks - this means that they will be over 6 lbs. each at 36 weeks. That is a 12 lb. baby! YIKES.....I know this is best - but a little scary too!!

Anywho- last Tuesday I had to go to the dentist so they could make a crown and put a temporary on the tooth that had the root canal. I was sure glad to get home. I was cutting some homemade bread and the bread knife slipped out of my hand and my little pinky finger got in the way. I had a hard time getting the bleeding to stop, so I woke Jared up and had him take me to the instacare. I ended up needing 3 stitches.

We came home and Jared said that I was to get into bed and not move and not touch anything! He said that he could not handle anything else happening to me. See what I mean by feeling 15 years old and clumsy again?

1 comment:

Marianne said...

First off you look great. And wow, yeah what a series of events. I am however so excited that you are on leave from work and can get some rest. Can you believe only a few more weeks and the boys will be here. How exciting.