Monday, January 12, 2009

30 weeks and loving it?!!!

So here is the latest "belly" picture. I am 30 weeks prego here. My leave of absence "officially" started on 01.07.09. I am trying to adjust to being home and just trying to take it easy.

Madisen wanted me to take a picture of what she looks like too!!! I think she is much cuter!! :0)


Stacie said...

Heath, you look great. Oh, I miss you! I didn't know that you stopped working! WTF?

Mama! said...

Oh my goodness that went fast and you do look great! I am so excited for you!

Nate and Heidi said...

I am so glad the pregnancy is going so well. I can't wait to see these little boys! Jared and I have the same b-day except he is way older :)

Millward Happenings said...

Heather, I think you look great!!! I'm so excited for you! Madison is growing up so much! I can't believe how much she's changed since this summer!!

Susan G. said...

Hang in there're almost done! My sister is 36 weeks with twin boys and at her maternal fetal medicine apt yesterday they estimate one at 7lbs 1 oz and one at 6lbs 7 is way crazy!! Hope you are feeling as great as you look!! I'm so excited for you I just can't stand it and I love catching up with you on the blog!

i {heart} hawkes said...

Wow! I am so excited for you. I can't wait to see your next few posts. It's hard to be home after you are used to working. Are you nesting yet? Perhaps you can take in some good books. Either way you're almost there, good luck!

Mama! said...

Heather, I'm not going to be able to make it to your shower- I'm totally bummed but it's been one of those days! I bought a little something for you so let me know when is a good time and I'll bring it by or something. Sorry!