Yesterday was the first day of 4th grade for the princess - Madisen! I cannot believe how quickly this summer has gone. The first day really came up on us fast! Here are some pictures of Madisen on her first day of 4th grade. I can remember my 4th grade year. It is strange because I can only remember bits and pieces of other grade school years, but 4th really sticks out in my mind. I had a hard teacher, but it had to be one of my favorite years too.
Madisen is in a 4th/5th grade split class. I really like her teacher and I am impressed with her organization skills!! It will be an interesting year, and one that I KNOW Madisen will be challenged. Good luck princess!! We love you!!!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
First day of 4th grade.....
Friday, August 14, 2009
So yummy!!
Yesterday I gave the boys a cracker while I mixed up their cereal and other food. Rylen of course went to town on the thing. He loved it! Caysen on the other hand was very upset when he was too rough with it and it burst into several small pieces. Heaven help me. These boys are so different in personality; which of course is a good thing.....
Caysen has also found his "tongue". So - he has been sticking his tongue out at everyone, but especially me for the last two days. Gotta love it!!! Madisen and Caysen
Madisen and Rylen
Rylen and Caysen after eating their vegetables & rice cereal!!
Caysen showing how he feels about taking an afternoon nap!
Rylen loving his cracker!!
So they all rolled over.......
....and the little ones said..... Hey mom! Watch this!! Enjoy! I caught both the boys rolling on video today! Rylen has rolling "down", but Caysen will only do it if it is "his" idea....I wonder who's kid he is sometimes!!! :0)
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Now it's Rylen's turn.....
Today after having a "break" of about 1 week from "tummy time" - Rylen looked at me, smiled and then turned from his stomach to his back. I was SO excited for him that I almost made him start to cry. Sorry buddy - but mommy is loving these milestones you and your brother are giving me. It makes for twice the fun!!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
5 Months....Seriously....Already????
So with today being August 5, 2009 - my twins Rylen and Caysen turned 5 months old. Before they were born several wise and experienced people told me that with twins, the time seems to go even more quickly - so take lots of pictures. It is amazing to me that they are already 5 months old, but sometimes the days just drag!!!
All of the kiddos are very healthy and for that I am very thankful. We know that the day is fast approaching when their "infant" car seats will be a thing of the past. Jared wanted to weigh them today, so here are the stats:
Rylen Mills Andersen
17.4 lbs.
Caysen Jared Andersen
17.4 lbs.
Madisen Andersen
71.6 lbs.
I cannot believe that Rylen and Caysen weigh the same. No wonder I can hardly carry both of them when they are in their car seats!! Happy 5 month birthday boys! We love each of you so much!!!