Friday, April 25, 2008

Random thoughts of a 7 almost 8 year old!

A fellow blogger friend asked her 4 year old to finish these sentences. I was laughing so hard. I thought - ok - let's see how Madisen who is 7 almost 8 years old will finish these sentences. Some of them are hilarious and others are down right silly. I was surprised that she actually knew some of these! Enjoy!!

The only thing we have to fear is…the dark
What goes up…an air balloon
A bird in the hand…flies in the sky
Many hands make…a flower
Only the can do it
Lightening never strikes…on the ground
Pitter-patter of…rain
Beggars can’t be…true
Waste not...recycling
I’m so hungry I could…eat an elephant
Like a bat out of…a cave
There’s a sucker born… in the hospital
Give me liberty or… freedom
You say potato, I say… hot potato
Money is the root of… toys
When in Rome… dinosaurs will roam the earth
Early to bed… at 8 o’clock
Beauty is… beauty and the beast
He’s treading on… the sidewalk
Practice makes… perfect
Haste makes… what is haste?
Waste not… paper
A chip off the old…tree
A penny saved is… one cent
When the cat’s away… on the train
You can lead a horse to water but… it might start buck’n
My love is like…a rose
Ask not what your country can do for you, ask… my mom
A watched pot… might ring itself
Four score and seven years ago,… I got an A
Too many cooks… might burn the whole kitchen
If at first you don’t succeed… try, try again. This is from Dragon Tales!
There’s no place like… home
A chain is only as strong as…a cow
Don’t cry over… a toy
A fool and his money are… robbers
Two heads are better than…one
A journey of a thousand miles…can lead up to succeed
Look before you…cross the road
Always a bridesmaid never… cries
Actions speak louder than… words
It’s like taking candy from… the store
You can’t teach an old dog… new tricks
If you can’t stand the heat… turn off the heater
When it rains it… usually makes a fire
If you love something… throw it away
Half a loaf is better than… two
Happy as a… baby
The grass is always greener…than hay
Tie goes to the...zoo
Make hay… what?
Money doesn’t grow on….trees
Two wrongs… is failing
Nip it in the… tree
Laugh and the world… of American
A picture is worth… a thousand words
April showers bring… May flowers
Where there’s a will there’s…an ask
Better late than… sorry
You can’t judge a book…. Without words
Into the sky…is a bunny


Family Days said...

Madisen is very clever!! Such good answers. My favorite...If you can't stand the heat...turn off the heater! Very Fun answers!

Sarah said...

I can only imagine what my boys would say! I will have to try this. Thanks!

Dorey said...

Cute answers! It's fun to see what kids come up with. =)

Sherri said...

So funny. I love that girl!