.....tonight after I got home from work, I was playing with the twins on the floor. We were having some "tummy time" which I must mention is not a favorite for either of them. Both of the boys have been trying really hard to roll over on their own. Well it happened.....Caysen rolled over on his own. I really thought it was a one time deal, so when Jared came back in the room, I put him back on his tummy and guess what - he rolled again! Heaven help us for many of us know what comes next!!!! MOVEMENT!!! Way to go Caysen! I am sure that Rylen is only a day or two out for his first solo roll!!
Monday, July 27, 2009
The week of July 24th, 2009.....
With Madisen being out of school, I have really tried to find some fun activities that we can do together. I am not really good at this because I have always worked. Madisen asks me all the time, what can I do....and please don't say "chores". I cannot blame her. I absolutely hated "chores" growing up. Well, I have been scouring the little newspaper that comes with the weekly ads for free stuff to do. If we had a lot of money, then finding things to do would not really be a problem. I have loved the challenge of finding fun summer things to do that are free!! Yes - my maiden name is "Mills"; therefore I am allowed to pinch pennies. :0)
We have visited a few splash parks or hope to visit them before school starts. We have walked the neighborhood and found some "pretty cool" yards that we did not know existed. We also found a fun activity at the South Towne Expo Center before the Pioneer Day parade on July 24th. It was the parade float preview. It was free and was way awesome. Madisen loved being with her cousins to take part in this free fun and liked getting up close to the floats. Her favorite float was Murray City's. It had ballet shoes on it and Maddie was in heaven. She also liked the Days of 47 Royalty float and expressed her desire to someday ride as the royalty in the parade. Heaven help me!!!
On Saturday we spent the day at Lagoon. Yes I know this is not free - but I did find awesome discount tickets for the park through my work. We had a lot of fun and I learned that my 9 year old is a lot more brave than I am. She rode many of the big rides and roller coasters that I could not even think about riding! Way to go Madisen!!!
Here are some pictures from the float preview. Enjoy!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
First day eating rice cereal.....
Last day of 3rd grade
Ok - I think I may have finally figured out why I am so behind on things. Let's see - I have twins, check! Madisen is involved in summer dance, check! Madisen finished 3rd grade, check! The twins turned 4 months old, check! There are two holidays this month, check! It was the Andersen family reunion, check! The laundry is caught up, um....not quite check! First day of 3rd grade, Riverton Utah
Here are some pictures from the first day of 3rd grade and the last day of 3rd grade. Madisen does not look too happy on the first day, but I guess she was a little happier about the last day!
Great job Madisen! You did it!! Last day of 3rd grade, Riverton Utah
Happy 4th of July!!
Yes I know that I am just a few weeks late with this - but I figure better late than never!!
We spent the 3rd and 4th of July with Jared's family at a family reunion. It was a lot of fun and it was great to see a lot of his cousins that I had not seen in forever! Unfortunately, things were so crazy that we did not get too many pictures! OOPS. We will do better next year. Maybe. :0)
More pictures of the twins....
I took the twins to their 4 month check-up on July 7th. The pediatrician was very, very happy with their growth. Here are the stats:
Weight: 15.65 lbs
Height: 25.59 in
Percentage of ideal: 97%
Weight: 15.87 lbs
Height: 25.39 in
Percentage of ideal: 101%
So - I guess all the fuss about the boys not growing right the first little while of their lives as finally been put to rest!!! my heart literally melts anytime they smile or laugh! The one person that seems to be able to calm them the best is their big sister, Madisen. She has proven to be a life saver and a wonderful help. Madisen has given each of her brothers a nickname. They are "Smile'n Rylen" and "Cute Caysen". We love each of you so much!!!
Go Wynter Go!!!
Idaho in June....
We traveled to Idaho for a long weekend in June. My sister put together an open house for me and my babes. It was really nice to see mostly family and some good friends. Thanks to everyone who came! Love you all!!!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
The passing of an icon.....
So I am sure that everyone knows that Michael Jackson has passed away. I will admit that I was a total and complete fan of his in junior high. I carried around a small notebook with his picture on it that I wrote all of my homework in. (Yes - I made a "list"). But he is not the icon I am talking about.....
Farah Fawcett I thought was one of the coolest ladies on television growing up. Yes, somehow, I too wanted to talk to the box with a voice and make a difference in the world. This too is not the icon I am talking about....
The icon to our family was also known as "Kris", "Grandma Kris", and "Nama". She was a super courgeous woman and humble in every way. She always made me feel like I was the best mom in the world - when in reality, I had no idea what in the world I was doing!!! She made such a huge impact on my daughter with her love and testimony that I will forever be grateful. It is through a family member that we met her. We love that family dearly and our hearts ache for their loss. We also know that we can see her again if we can just have the type of faith she had. We love you Nama and everything you showed us by your example. Till we meet again.
Kristine Anderson Johnston
(April 2, 1951 - July 8, 2009)
Our cherished wife, mother, sister, and grandmother passed away peacefully at her home in Elk Ridge, UT on July 8, 2009 at the age of 58 after battling cancer. Kris was born April 2, 1951 in Springville UT and was the third of seven children born to Mays and Orpha Anderson. She is remembered by her siblings as being a spunky and humorous child. Kris graduated from Springville High School in 1969 and soon thereafter attended BYU where she received a Bachelor of Science degree in Secondary Education. While pursuing her education she met Steven C. Johnston and they were married in the SLC Temple on November 16, 1973. They enjoyed nearly 36 years of marriage together. During this time she served in many church capacities, lived in various locations, including England and Malaysia. Kris and her husband served an LDS humanitarian mission in Bucharest, Romania. All of these, plus many other experiences, blessed her with an increased amount of faith and understanding of Heavenly Father's plan for His children. Kris will always be remembered for her compassion, acts of service, love for her family and those around her, and above all ... faith in her Savior Jesus Christ.
Kris is survived by her husband Steven, her five children: Matt (Monica) Johnston, Amy (Neil) Andersen, Laurie (Kevin) Wilson, Dana (Mark) Purcell, and Katie (Jeremy) Bailey, her eleven grandchildren, and her siblings: Cheryl, Dave, Jim, Kay, Michael and Dane. She is preceded in death by her parents Mays and Orpha Anderson, and her granddaughter Lindsey Kate Johnston.
A viewing will be held Monday July 13, 2009 from 10:00 to 11:30 at the Payson East Stake Elk Ridge 6th Ward Chapel located at 185 E. Ridge View Dr. in Elk Ridge, UT. Funeral services will follow at noon. Interment will be held at the Springville Evergreen Cemetery.